Saturday, 1 November 2014


Must Watch 

help us to keep it up


MusT watch

hahahha very funny must watch a spider

must watch

must watch

don't miss this video watch please

is it possible???


can BAT man is be husband of of human haahah very funny must watch

Make music with babay voice

TRoll Music

he creat very funny voice must watch this video ..share 

Swag Dance

WTF Dance

Really funny dance must watch if you want to share never stop share this video...

justin beiber

justin bieber TRoll]

must watch hahahah very funny us to keep it up..

check it


very funny this video make you laughing .must watch

Very funny

what the fuck Troll

a boy check a car which is damage by a girl and girl said she just watch his boyfriend hahaha and boy leack air from the veehl of car very funny hahaha must watch

verry funny cat

Funny cat

a cat rest on Drum and shake legs .. look very amazing and funny moment of a cat must watch

Imagination Troll


a man just want eating even in his imagin or in sleepness he just a look like kid and also behave like a kid must watch .

what a Troll

hahhahah what a troll
a man listen mobile ringing tune and dance and also his friend see him for do that just imagin what he do must watch

very funny

very funny music 
a man with his son creat amazing sound with amazing voice check it out hahahahahahhah

Sunday, 26 October 2014


What's up with women always putting up manlyn monrce quotes and pictures like she is some sort of role model?

Ladies, the woman died of a drug overdose, is remembered for barging a married man, and the person she willed everything to cared so little for her that he didn't even honor her will. Also, she wasn't fat. You chubby chicks are dinging to a false idol.

You know why she's on facebook and girls aren't quoting susan B Anthony? Because monroe looked good in skirt.

That's right. y'all are all just sexist as man